We are pleased to present the listing page of The Home Depot - Gilroy, a renowned Local business business located at 8850 San Ysidro Ave, Gilroy, ZIP Code 95020, California. This business is a integral part of the local community, providing for customers in the Gilroy area and beyond.
As a top Local business provider, The Home Depot - Gilroy offers excellent services and products that meet the best standards of quality and customer satisfaction. They are well situated for residents and visitors in the Gilroy area, ensuring easy access to their services.
This business is listed under the Local business category in the United States Local Business Directory on BestYell.com. You can trust our directory for reliable and verified business listings across the USA.
Follow The Home Depot - Gilroy through their Facebook Page. Join them for updates, promotions, and more information about their services.
The Home Depot’s mission is to provide the products and know-how to enable people to take their dreams for their homes into their own hands.
Our Facebook community is a fun place for our company and associates to interact with consumers on projects that are important to them
In our homes
In our stores
In our communities
Your participation indicates you agree to the purpose of this community and will follow our guidelines. The Home Depot does not represent or warrant the accuracy of any statements or product claims made here, nor endorses any opinions expressed within this section.
All Users: Help us keep our fan page fun and interactive:
- Keep it clean
- No solicitations of products, services or fundraising activities
- We reserve the right to remove any disruptive, profane or offensive comments or pictures, including personal attacks
- We reserve the right to remove posts from fake accounts or fake profiles
- Respect our intellectual property and those of our suppliers and manufacturers
- We do not like repeat postings of the same thing over and over. Your opinions - good and bad - are always welcome, but if it's posted 18 times in one hour we'll probably delete the last 17.
Our Associates: Participation in this and any other social network requires that you:
- Remember our core values
- Never disclose proprietary information
- Abide by our Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy http://thd.co/X5WJPP
- Act responsibly and ethically
- Participate in your own time, remembering that your job and customer service come first
- If you are employed or otherwise compensated by The Home Depot, you must disclose your relationship with The Home Depot when posting any User Content
Company Overview
The Home Depot is your destination for home improvement products and DIY project know-how. We are the world's largest home improvement specialty retailer, with stores in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, 10 Canadian provinces, Mexico and China.
Contact Info
Website: www.homedepot.com
Corporate Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/homedepot
Corporate Twitter Page: www.twitter.com/homedepot
Mobile Application: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-home-depot/id342527639
Style Guide iPad App : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-home-depot-style-guide/id504964699
Look at reviews and ratings: Read the reviews and ratings to understand the business's reputation and reliability. Confirm Contact Information: Ensure the contact details, like phone numbers and emails, are correct. If available, visit the business's official website. Confirm Business Location: Use the provided Google map to verify the business location before planning a visit.
Working Hours: Check the business's operating hours to make sure they are open when you call. Be aware of any holidays or special closures. Alternate Contact Methods: If the main phone number isn’t working, try contacting them through email or social media.
Protect Your Personal Data: Keep sensitive information like social security numbers, credit card details, and passwords private. Verify the Representative: Verify the identity of the person you are talking to. Ask for their name and position and verify it on the official website. Before proceeding with any legal matters, consider understanding local $stateName state laws. It is also advisable to seek guidance from a certified privacy legal expert to ensure compliance and to defend your rights and interests. You can find more information here by looking up a licensed privacy attorney.
Weather Check: Look at the weather forecast for the area before you visit. Check Business Status: Make sure the business is open on your planned visit day, including any public holidays.
Handling Disputes: Document any legal issues or disputes and seek legal advice. Report the problem to local consumer protection agencies if necessary. Address Listing Errors: If you find that a business is permanently closed, has a wrong phone number, or incorrect address on our directory, please report it to us. Use this form to report the issue: Contact Us Form
Share Your Experience: Post your review on the business's Facebook page or Google Local Business. Your feedback helps others choose wisely.